These works lay bare the fundamental concepts underpinning the emergence of "Chaos Marxism". Yet, it's essential to recognize that the ideology and its author's belief system draw from a wealth of influences beyond the literary sphere. A myriad of other mediums and experiences have also played pivotal roles in shaping this unique philosophy.


"The Right Way to Do Wrong" by Harry Houdini splits into two insightful sections. The initial half delves into the art of spectacle, outlining methods to command attention and guide it strategically. It also probes into the intricacies of crowd psychology, offering valuable lessons on how to steer collective emotions and reactions. The latter half pivots towards exploring tactics employed by criminals, providing a view into the mindset and strategies of them. Houdini fully acknowledged that being a magician was effectively being a manipulator o Houdini's insights from the manipulator's perspective are invaluable. However his personal moral code allowed him to operate as a manipulator without being immoral, often calling out those who used the same tactics he used for spectacle to harm others. Basically, his teachings serve as a blueprint for mastering the narrative, efficiently disseminating information, and effectively controlling the sociopolitical discourse while maintaining a core ethical set of principles that allow one to operate as a manipulator without doing harm. Ergo, "The Right Way to Do Wrong". There's also the metaphorical aspect of his persona, the idea that a man can escape from a straight jacket after being plunged 100 foot into a highly polluted river, it evokes the impossible, the daring. Capitalist realism says, the people believe there is no alternative, no escape, the collective consciousness manifest. Chaos Marxism says that we are drowning, but we can escape the cuffs of capitalism and rise to the surface anew.

"Simulacra and Simulation" by Jean Baudrillard: A seminal text for both postmodern philosophy and Chaos Marxism, Baudrillard's work dives deep into the concept of the simulacrum: a copy without an original. This text dissects the idea that in our postmodern society, symbols and signs have taken precedence over real experience, effectively replacing reality. Baudrillard's examination of hyperreality - a condition where the line between the 'real' and the 'imaginary' blur and eventually become irrelevant - aligns with the concepts of Chaos Magick, where belief itself can be shaped and manipulated to affect reality. For Chaos Marxists, this work offers a framework to understand and navigate the illusion of capitalist realism and devise strategies to disrupt it.

"The Condition of Postmodernity" by David Harvey: Harvey's examination of the shift from modernity to postmodernity is an essential read for Chaos Marxists. He links this shift to the rise of neoliberalism and its influence on class consciousness, arguing that the individualistic focus of neoliberalism has diluted collective class consciousness. This aligns with the Chaos Marxist's goal to reinvigorate class consciousness by navigating the postmodern condition, using belief as a tool and engaging with the spectacle to challenge neoliberal narratives. Harvey's text provides an understanding of the social and cultural landscape in which Chaos Marxism operates.

"Revolutionary Suicide" by Huey P Newton: This memoir from the co-founder of the Black Panther Party intertwines personal narrative with insightful political theory and strategy. Newton's discussion of 'revolutionary suicide' presents the idea that dying for the revolution, in contrast to 'reactionary suicide' (resorting to self-harm out of despair), is an act of agency and resistance. Newton's dedication to the cause, his ability to weave together disparate ideological threads, and his emphasis on community service and self-sacrifice resonate with the principles of Chaos Marxism. Newton's analysis of the power dynamics within American society and his commitment to revolutionary change provide a compelling, foundational perspective on revolution, sacrifice, and societal transformation that deeply informs Chaos Marxist thought. Revolutionary Suicide is a required read to understand the concept of "self-sigilization".

"Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic" by Peter J. Carroll: As one of the foundational texts on chaos magic, Carroll's work articulates the principles and methods of this esoteric tradition. It underscores the idea that belief is a tool, a central tenet of both chaos magic and Chaos Marxism. Carroll also presents techniques such as sigil creation, gnosis, and paradigm shifting, concepts that Chaos Marxists have adopted and adapted. Rather than engaging in the rituals and spiritual practices described in the book, Chaos Marxists often interpret them metaphorically. For example, the concept of 'sigilization' may translate into the creation of powerful symbols or memes that encapsulate and propagate Marxist ideas. As such, while the spiritual practices of chaos magic might not be directly applicable, the underlying philosophical concepts and strategic approaches offer valuable insights for the Chaos Marxist, making this work semi-foundational.

"The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus: While not a Marxist work per se, Camus' exploration of the Absurd—the disconnect between the human desire for meaning and the indifference of the universe—offers a unique perspective on resistance and perseverance in the face of existential despair. Camus' insistence on the dignity and value of Sisyphean struggle can serve as a metaphor for the continual struggle against the cycles and crises of capitalism, which may seem never-ending. This, combined with his critique of suicide—interpreted broadly as a surrender to despair—echoes Newton's concept of revolutionary suicide, making this work a valuable addition to the philosophical foundations of Chaos Marxism. Chaos Marxism explicitly rejects Nhilism and Nihilistic thinking, the meaning is the struggle, the struggle is the meaning.

"The Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Debord: This foundational work is key to Chaos Marxism due to its exploration of the 'Spectacle', Debord's term for the mediated, image-driven nature of social life under capitalism. The spectacle isn't just a collection of images but a social relation mediated by images, leading to social passivity and furthering capitalist interests. Understanding the spectacle is crucial for Chaos Marxists as it reveals how capitalist perceptions and consciousness are crafted. This ties to Houdini's teachings of manipulation and spectacle control. The spectacle informs Chaos Marxists' strategies to disrupt capitalist narratives and use these narratives for their ideological goals. Therefore, Debord's "The Society of the Spectacle" is essential to the Chaos Marxism framework.

"Capitalist Realism" & "Acid Communism" by Mark Fisher: In "Capitalist Realism," Fisher delineates the pervasive belief that there is no viable alternative to capitalism—a belief he dubs 'capitalist realism.' This work effectively highlights the limitations of our collective political imagination and serves as a rallying cry for rethinking and challenging the seemingly unassailable dominance of capitalism. "Acid Communism," a term Fisher coined, refers to a psychedelic vision of a communist society characterized by the free exploration of consciousness and communal sharing. Even though Chaos Marxism is not a direct outgrowth of acid communism, both ideologies share a lineage in psychedelic experiences and a commitment to expanding our understanding of what is possible. Fisher's works thus occupy a central place in the foundation of Chaos Marxism.


"A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia" by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Although supplemental to the foundational works, "A Thousand Plateaus" is a cornerstone in postmodern philosophy that Chaos Marxists may find useful. The text explores concepts like rhizomes, deterritorialization, and the body without organs. The rhizomatic view of knowledge and society - decentralized, non-hierarchical, and interconnected - mirrors the Chaos Marxist's approach to belief and ideology, borrowing and adapting from various sources. Deterritorialization, the process of breaking away from traditional societal structures and norms, echoes the Chaos Marxist's subversive tactics. The body without organs, a metaphor for a raw state of being where one is open to limitless potential and transformation, parallels the self-sigilization and revolutionary suicide principles of Chaos Marxism. In essence, this text complements and deepens the understanding of Chaos Marxist strategies and philosophies.

"How to Lie With Statistics" by Darrell Huff: This book, although not inherently Marxist or directly related to chaos magic, offers an essential lesson for Chaos Marxists: the understanding and awareness of manipulation techniques. Huff takes readers through various methods and tactics used to distort data, misrepresent information, and influence perceptions, often used in media, advertising, and politics. Understanding these techniques allows Chaos Marxists to critique and deconstruct capitalist narratives, offering insight into how information is manipulated to uphold the status quo. Additionally, the knowledge gleaned from this book can be used to craft more effective and compelling Marxist narratives, making it a valuable tool in the Chaos Marxist's arsenal.

"Synergetics" by R. Buckminster Fuller: Fuller's work explores the synergy and tension between various elements within systems, including physical, metaphysical, and societal. He introduces the concept of 'synergetics,' an exploration of holistic engineering within the universe and human society. This perspective aligns with the Chaos Marxist’s approach to belief and ideology - viewing them as systems within a greater societal and cultural framework. Fuller's ideas about operating efficiently within systems and utilizing synergy between various elements could be applicable to the strategies employed by Chaos Marxists. For instance, they might see synergies between various ideologies, narratives, and cultural symbols, strategically aligning and repurposing them to propagate Marxist thought. Thus, "Synergetics" provides a useful framework for understanding and operating within complex systems.

"Tryptamine Consciousness" by Terence McKenna - McKenna's exploration of consciousness and reality through the lens of hallucinogenic substances like DMT and psilocybin provides alternative perspectives on perception and societal structures. While these theories are controversial, they offer Chaos Marxists an insight into the role of altered states in challenging capitalist realism and envisioning radical societal changes. Not an integral text, but supplemental, expanding the ideological toolkit with its portrayal of consciousness disruption as a catalyst for change.


"The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: As the fundamental text that sparked Marxist thought, this work is crucial for understanding the economic and social theories that form the basis of Marxism. It presents Marx and Engels's theory of history and the struggle between the proletariat (working class) and the bourgeoisie (capitalist class). This dialectic struggle and the resulting theory of communism are essential for anyone engaging with Marxist thought, making this work a foundational pillar of Marxism.

"Das Kapital" by Karl Marx: This extensive critique of capitalism delves into the intricacies of commodity, labor, and capital. Marx scrutinizes the capitalist economic system, unveiling its inherent contradictions and exploitation. Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone interested in Marx's critique of capitalism and for understanding the foundations upon which more nuanced theories, including Chaos Marxism, are built.

"What is To Be Done?" by Vladimir Lenin: This work lays the groundwork for Lenin's theory of the revolutionary vanguard party and the role of professional revolutionaries. It offers profound insights into the strategies and tactics of revolution, as well as the issues of spontaneity versus consciousness. It serves as a guide for organization and action, providing essential knowledge for those engaged in Marxist thought and activism.

Theory in Practice

A starting point for gaining influence using the 11 points.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie - This timeless manual on social engineering is as relevant to the Chaos Marxist as it is to any individual seeking to sway others' beliefs. It teaches techniques on how to influence people and win them over, which can be utilized to propagate Marxist ideas. Learning to interact effectively with different individuals and groups is essential to Chaos Marxists, as it can help ensure the success of their revolutionary endeavors. Every other self help book has been ripping this one off for the last 100 years.

"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert B. Cialdini - This book provides crucial insights into the psychological mechanisms of persuasion. Understanding these principles enables Chaos Marxists to apply them to their own ends, persuading others to align with Marxist ideologies. Furthermore, it helps Chaos Marxists safeguard against manipulation attempts from opposing ideologies.

"New Generation Warfare" - This concept, originated by Valery Gerasimov, underscores the power of psychological and informational warfare in shaping the outcomes of conflicts. For the Chaos Marxist, NGW provides a blueprint for a new kind of revolutionary strategy that relies less on traditional military action and more on winning the hearts and minds of the people. It emphasizes using psychological and informational strategies to depress and demoralize opponents, thus minimizing the need for deploying hard military power.

"The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Decisions" by Dobelli Rolf - Understanding cognitive biases is key for the Chaos Marxist, as it provides insight into how humans make decisions and how these processes can be exploited for persuasive purposes. Furthermore, being aware of their own biases and cognitive shortcomings helps Chaos Marxists refine their strategies and counteracts the potential harm done by those who exploit these biases. This knowledge leads to clearer thinking and more effective decision-making, essential qualities in the struggle against capitalist realism.